Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Meet "Little Peanut"

Little Peanut! Heart was beating away at 150 bpm. So cute! :) Little Peanut (Let's say LP for short) measured at 7 w 2 days which is fine, according to my LMP I am 7 weeks 4 days, so not much difference.


  1. Yay! Welcome little one. Glad to hear things went well and you got baby's first pictures.

  2. Congratulations!! I will be thinking of you..and praying that your mind will find rest.

  3. That is so awesome, I am so happy for you! I miss you on the bump!

  4. Yeah! I was thinking about you today, and I'm so glad that your appointment went well!

    keep your fingers crossed for my appt. on Monday!
